Introduction to Restful web services
Building a restful web services is always a very confusing topic and there are a lot of things we may miss if we didn’t known them properly before starting to build the service.
In this tutorial series let’s learn about building restful web services with Java.
I shall take into consideration all below aspects while developing the series.
- The readers should spend minimum time for learning how to create a restful web service with Java ( Spring boot )
- The readers have all access to code.
- The reader knows end to end of building a restful web service. For example how to do test driven development , how to enable CORS , how to consume the output of the service using any front end etc, how to secure the restful web service
So if you are interested in learning more about the above keywords, let’s follow the series and let me know in the comments section if you wish to know something different . I shall be happy to spend some time and create more such tutorials for you.